7000 VEIWS


Thank you guys so much! I couldn’t and wouldn’t have done it without you!
Tyler is always willing to give advice and constructive criticism
Chippy is very friendly and will take lots of origami requests that i give him
Zod was one of the first people to look at my blog and help me out
Moochael is right by my side and is always friendly to me
Dumcheese likes ALL of my posts and comments a lot!
Everybody else who looks at my blog frequently and enjoys my origami is awesome!

So, as for the instrux, Ahsoka won by a landslide (sorry Dumcheese, I wanted embo to win too!) so the instrux will be up today or tomorrow. Thank guys see you later!

21 thoughts on “7000 VEIWS

  1. wiztron

    Hey Stooky Lukey, do you want to enter that clone contest? It’s not just for Gregor. If you have clones on this site already, feel free to enter them. Also, 7000 views? That’s a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. … I dont normally go on other Superfolder blogs, but this is an emergency, we need to get the word out. Even though “origamiyoda.com” is out of commission, the original “origamiyoda.wordpress.com” was kind of left for dead, but you can still comment on it. The Superfolder s could remain there untill this whole troll thing blows over. Spread the word

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